Full Metal Panic! Volume 4 (Full Metal Panic!, #4) (2024)

漫画 フルメタル・パニック!/ Full Metal Panic! #4

館尾 冽, Shouji Gatou


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The boy of Kaname's dreams, a former upperclassman, makes a sudden appearance, and Kaname is convinced he will ask her out. But are his intentions honorable? Sosuke will attempt to find out, as this all-too-familiar high school love story suddenly takes a turn. By going undercover, sporting a Bonta-kun costume, he ends up saving the day, or at least Kaname. Aside from the high school dreamboat, Kaname still has her eye on Sosuke, and she is finally ready to come clean... but why is Tessa stepping out of Sosuke's shower?! Full Metal Panic! picks up more momentum, and more action, knife-wielding terrorists, a handful of hostages, and just one man to save the day!

    GenresMangaGraphic NovelsScience FictionComicsHumorRomanceComedy

150 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2002

About the author

館尾 冽


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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews


1,337 reviews

May 7, 2017

Allora, allora.
Prima Chidori lo riempie di botte, poi però fa la gelosa e si comporta come se le avessero spezzato il cuore, facendosi 1000 mila domande senza però arrivare alla più ovviamente conclusione.
Tessa è il capitano supremo, ci si aspetterebbe più grinta, invece ha bisogno di essere rassicurata. Tra i due fuochi c’è lui, Sousuke, che capisce solo il linguaggio delle armi, figuriamoci quello umano o quello del cuore.
Insomma alla fine le donzelle combinano un bel pasticcio e lui dovrà correre a salvarle, cosa combineranno?
Ho il sospetto che ne vedremo delle belle!

    fantasy manga

Mariana Hernández

270 reviews

July 21, 2017

PUNTUACIÓN: 1.5 (it was okey)

Y... bien, no entiendo que pasa con esta serie.
La historia es original hasta la médula y ha sabido mantener ese toque de misterio que es el que invita a seguir leyendo los volúmenes, la curiosidad por descubrir qué es todo ese secreto me ha hecho avanzar pero ya no sé hasta donde voy a llegar.

La única razón para ponerle esas dos estrellas aquí fue cierta conversación con el agente clave Wraith que me gustó bastante, y porque aún no quiero darme por vencida con Sousuke, nuestro protagonista, sé que ese chico me traerá una historia buena, lo sé.. lo único que espero es que el autor deje de poner drama juvenil por todos lados.

WTF, de verdad que no aguanté.. intentando meter el romance hasta en la sopa, forzándolo de una manera inhumana, en uno de los casos agregando sentimientos donde es obvio que no los hay y en el otro subrayando sentimientos que es OBVIO que terminarán por desarrollarse..
STOP INTENSITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mi menos soportada fue, como siempre, Kaname... no me caía completamente pero ahora estoy llegando al odio marcado.. porque en serio no supero esto:

Sorry NOT sorry.


Donald Trump (Parody)

223 reviews117 followers

November 26, 2018

I feel so betrayed. Dr. Lipshitz told me to come out of the bathroom, that it was time to take my medicine. I called her out. I told her she was the one telling me to get some fuckin' relaxation days, and the lying whore told me we never had that conversation. That ice queen Melania put her up to this shit. Her and that Mikey Penis. I know all about him. I know he was the one wrote that anonymous resistance peace for those New Yorkers. I'm getting stabbed up the fuckin' ass from all corners. Sousuke Sagara is my only friend left. She takes me away from this cold place. 1 star cause I cried through the pages and couldn't fuckin' finish it. The liars are trying to take away everything i love.


1,854 reviews36 followers

October 23, 2017

Despite an adorable scene wherein Sosuke dresses up like a giant stuffed animal to protect Kaname while she's out on a date with another guy, the romantic subplot starts to get a little annoying in this volume. For some reason the captain who was calm, cool, and collected in earlier books has been set up as a clutzy, weepy love rival for Sosuke's heart. Here's hoping that clears up quickly.

    comics fiction read-in-2017

Shin Donghae

2,255 reviews8 followers

September 16, 2021

Hmm subplot romansa di jilid ini agak sedikit mengganggu, entah kenapa Tateo sensei kurang dapat menggambarkannya. Meskipun begitu plusnya adalah adegan menggemaskan di mana Sosuke berpakaian maskot binatang raksasa untuk melindungi Kaname LOL

Дени ★ Проданова

504 reviews9 followers

June 19, 2017

Абе Теса как е станала командир? Много е застреляна...



76 reviews2 followers

December 21, 2019

4,5 stars/csillag


Phillip Wilson

1 review


August 3, 2024



Edotz Herjunot

Author5 books13 followers

May 1, 2016

Udah punya komik Ini cukup lama, tapi baru sempet baca kemarin2.. *stok komik overload banget*

Ini komik awalnya lebay.. Chidori cewek SMA, dilindungi sama Sousuke kebangetan, sampe make senjata beneran.. emang ada alasannya sih, kenapa Chidori Ini harus dilindungin karena katanya Chidori Ini seorang 'whispered', orang yang punya pengetahuan luar biasa.

Makin kesini, ceritanya Makin macem2...
perang pake AS (semacam robot), Chidori yang mulai naksir Sousuke meskipun Sousuke lugu, terus ada Tessa kapten Sousuke yang juga naksir Sousuke..

Komik Ini asik buat dibaca, ada komedinya juga yang bikin cengar cengir, ada romantisnya juga~
pantes konon katanya Ini komik laris banget jaman dulu, ya... gue telat gaul baru baca sekarang haha


907 reviews23 followers

February 11, 2010

It seems as long as Retsu Tateo stays away from heavy combat, she does pretty well. So again this volume does okay. It does get a little cluttered at at least one point though.

    graphic-novel manga read-in-2010

Christopher Dodds

590 reviews1 follower

May 28, 2023

What build a up for volume five I want to read it right now but I'm going to wait.

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews

Full Metal Panic! Volume 4 (Full Metal Panic!, #4) (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.